Hi all,
It's been forever in baby time that we have updated the blog. Forgive us. The good news is that there are lots of things to tell you. Zoe is crawling, standing up and getting back down, getting upset when you take something away from her that she finds particularly interesting, and holding her own bottle - when it's not one of the glass ones. She laughs all the time and finds things that Jaben and I so hilarious which feels great.
Hope everyone is doing well. It's been raining here for a week and I'm ready for the sun to come out and summer to begin.
Take care and look forward to hearing from you,
What great photos...it's great to see you two in there as well! Kelly and I are both anxious to meet Zoe and see you guys! She really is getting big. Time is flying. Be well and keep in touch! We love updates!
She looks just like you and it looks like you're having fun being able to watch her grow and change. Super cool. - Brandy
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